
terça-feira, agosto 25, 2015

10 Signs People Are Just Seeking Attention But Not Respect


Respect is better earned than requested. However we all have insecurities and some deal with these insecurities by seeking attention and taking a piece of their time and energy. Moreover demanding your attention by playing the pose of being on a higher moral ground and deserving of it when they really do not could be devious.

1. They always blow their trumpet

There is nothing wrong in making everyone aware of your accomplishments and achievements as this could improve your self-esteem, but when this is overemphasized or exaggerated by someone you know, then you should be wary and stick to your own business rather than entangling yourself in their world.

2. They always push for a compliment

They know they are beautiful, brilliant and classy. But when they are always seeking for a reaffirmation or a reassurance of who they are, it simply means they are seeking for your attention rather than your respect.

3. They make their problems everyone’s problem

Their problems are not enough for them to deal with. They want everyone to share it with them and be a part of it. Don’t be surprised if they intentionally flaunt their problems and issues at everyone who cares to listen – in the subway, to the cab driver and on social media. And if you are not interested in listening then that becomes another problem too.

4. They always play the victim

They are never wrong. They are always the victim and the one who has been wronged. Yes, all will be a ploy to obtain some sympathy and acknowledgement, something they really crave for.

5. They complain about everyone

Nothing is good enough for them and perhaps even no one is. They are cynical. They complain about everyone that is supposed to stand for them or be at their side. Truth is that such persons are drama kings and queens who use such complaints to drag people to them.

6. They are always active on social media…

Whether on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram they always post pictures and spin stories to get a lot of likes and comments. Someone who needs respect will only be sharing their good moments at certain times, but not attention seekers who are hyper active on social media.

7. …And in social gatherings

They want to be the center of attention even with their friends and any new acquaintances they meet in a social gathering. And if the party is going right without anyone noticing them, they will do something out of line to make sure the spotlight is placed on them.

8. They are master story tellers

Whether they are using pictures or words to tell their stories, they are great at telling stories. Doing this may mean they exaggerate certain facts or tell lies to make the story more thrilling and attention grabbing.

9. They are trouble makers

They will start a war rather than settle for peace. They are trouble makers and will use every tool at their disposal to stir up trouble. Even when they are meant to offer praise and admiration to something noteworthy, they will prefer to do such with sarcasm.

10. They have a glamorous life

Their lives are never dull because they portray their lives as fab and glamorous. If they are asked a question on what they are doing or where they are, they will tell you they are in a Lamborghini or they are having a meeting with Beyonce’s manager. They don’t offer simple answers to questions. Rather, they will elaborate and make it seem like they are living a life of a king or queen and make you feel like you are even lucky to be an acquaintance of theirs.

If you have someone in your life that is constantly using the above ploys to attract you to them, you should be meticulous with such a person because at the end they could sap your time and energy that could be delegated to more productive pursuits.

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