
segunda-feira, julho 13, 2015

Quit our jobs, sold all our stuff and went traveling. A year later we found ourselves in Mongolia (35 Pics)

 On September 2014 we crossed over from China into Mongolia via the train from Erlian, China in inner Mongolia. What a difference a day makes! We made an 11 part travel documentary about our Mongolia adventure too. Catch episode 1 here:
 This was our train, headed for Ulaanbaatar. Our starting point to our 16 day journey through the Gobi Desert & Central Mongolia
Gobi Ger. This Camp introduced us to Camel's Milk tea. The best milk of the 5 (Camel, Horse, Goat, Sheep Cows or Yaks) main livestock raised in Mongolia, in our opinion.
Yolyn Am Canyon. A Pika paradise, there were so many running around we had to watch where we were stepping! Lots of Vultures and Ibex sightings as well.
This is "the beast" the Russian Jeep, not the man. This was our guide Gaala and he's equally amazing but this jeep made all this possible. This 30 year old Soviet Tank took us through desert and mountains. I miss her everyday.
 This is part of our group. We were a group of 8 from many different countries (America, Israel and France) and each night we would be hosted by a Nomadic family and pass the milk bowl (whatever their herd was) around and laugh and tell stories. Incredible experience.
 Duur. In The Gobi desert there lies a museum. Inside that museum likes the BEST of the WORST taxidermy... IN THE WORLD!
The Khongor Sand Dune. We've been traveling around Asia for nearly a year and have seen many beautiful things, but this... this still tops my list. I have never seen something so vast and stunning like these dunes at sunset. Plus, you have to fight with everything you got to reach the top (the sand slides you back at each step) making the fight worth that view.

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