
quinta-feira, julho 23, 2015

15 Bizarre Ways People Eat Their Food (15 pics)

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to food, but the people who practice these eating habits are just straight up weird.

There are people who put salt on their fruit
There are people that actually put ice-cubes in their cereal
There are people who eat their popcorn with chopsticks. Actually, that's kind of genius

There are people who combine peanut butter and cheese
There are people out there who only eat half the chicken wing. There's still meat on there, fool!

Apparently, people actually eat milk steak and raw jellybeans

There are people who eat cream cheese by itself. No crackers, no toast, nothing but cream cheese

Forget PB & J, there are people who enjoy their strawberry jam with Cheez Whiz

Even weirder, people eat peanut butter and PICKLE sandwiches
There are people that eat Weetbix with sweet chili sauce

And people who eat their KitKats WHOLE

There are people who eat their popsicles from the BOTTOM

There are people who eat their string cheese like THIS! Also known as people that can not be trusted


And finally, there are people who put Ketchup on their pasta

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