
quinta-feira, julho 23, 2015

10 Misconceptions About Being in Love with An Introvert


Many writers can relate with being an introvert. So it is something I am well aware of. The problem is that sometimes it is hard for others to figure us out. When you are in love with someone, you likely want to communicate with and treat them with care. Even when you are different than the person you love, you can be there for them. You are definitely lucky to love an introvert — many people find them to be better lovers than other types of people. Here are some common misconceptions about introverts and how to deal with them:

1. They are too quiet

Introverts are not quiet, they are processing. You should be concerned about what they have to say anytime they do say something. This is because introverts like to process their thoughts and take their time in spilling out words. Give them the opportunity to say as much as they can and do not be a constant interrupter. Allow them to think things through and give you their honest opinion.

2. They demand your attention when they speak

It is not just about listening and offering them attention when they say something you should be concerned about what they have to say and make them know this. Try repeating what they have said and letting them know that you have been paying attention. Introverts want you to listen to you and prove you listened to what they said. They don’t mean this in a rude way.

3. They want to be ignored in a group

They may feel awkward and left out when they are in a group, especially among people who they have never met before. It is always considerate when you can involve them in a group discussion and acknowledging their presence by allowing them to start a topic of interest. An introvert may not be the first to jump into to a conversation but do like being included! Without these valuable personality types, we would be living in a loud, overwhelming world.

4. They don’t appreciate grand gestures

Introverts will prefer to spend some quiet time alone with you and get the best out of your relationship rather than take you out on a big date with so many people. A grand gesture to them is different than having a large party celebrating a promotion or visiting a crowded place. To an introvert, a loving and grand gesture just might be a quiet date where they can spend time with someone they truly love. It is not as if they are shy or timid, they just want to get the best out of what they are familiar with.

5. They always want to write down their thoughts

Some introverts want to write down their thoughts because it gives them time to really thing. One of the best things about loving an introvert are the some amazing text messages, notes, or poems from them. Many introverts love to put their words on paper or in writing rather than just spilling them out. This does not mean they can’t communicate while speaking, it just means they prefer writing in many cases. So if you are finding it difficult communicating with them verbally, just let them do some writing for you.

6. They like to sound smart

Don’t expect directionless chattering from an introvert. This is not because they want to sound smart or show off their intelligence, it is just that they do not prefer mindless conversations.  If you are concerned about them understand that aimless discussions will only put you on a back burner. They love abstract discussions, like who is your best philosopher, what really lives on Mars, what happens when we are asleep. They rarely talk about people who don’t matter or engage in gossips. They would prefer to be alone with their minds rather than be doing such. Loving an introvert can be challenging and fun!

7. They are good problem solvers

So rather than create problems for you, they would rather be looking for solutions for you. They are analytical and think things through. They could just be given you an inspired guess when they are put on the spot.

8. They avoid you every once in a while

Being alone allows an introvert to recharge and should not be taken as a personal affront. Whether you want it or not, an introvert will need some time alone to deal with their personalities. Introverts are often introspective and may not be good sport at certain times since they use time alone to recharge their batteries.You might get boosted by other people while they only relax by gathering their thoughts, unwinding, or reading.

9. They can come across as snobs

It is easy to term them as snobs for their introverted nature because they do not always go out of their way to talk to people. An introvert isn’t being a snob, they just have a tough time coming out of their shell. It is easier for them to keep to themselves and be more comfortable in situations where they can keep to themselves. This doesn’t mean they are snobs or feel superior to others.

10. They are shy

There is a common perception that introverts are shy. They can do well in a social gathering it just depends on the situation they are facing. It is one thing to be quiet or shy and certainly it is another to appreciate solitude. Introverts try to tap into their internal energy by being alone. Even when they are in gathering they would love to recharge their energy at some point. They are not shy, it is just that being around people at certain times can be unsuitable to their nature. Loving an introvert can be very rewarding and pays off in the long-run.

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