
sexta-feira, junho 12, 2015

This Ecocapsule Will Allow You To Camp Everywhere


At this time of year, camping and staying in the great outdoors can be a fantastic to spend a weekend, or even just an evening – particularly when the breezes are warm and the stars are bright. However, if, like many of us you’re not too eager to give away your home comforts and sleep and camp completely under the sky, you might want to check out the absolutely ingenious Ecocapsule.

While it sounds like something from a Wachowski siblings movie, the Ecocapsule is very real – or soon will be once it enters full production. The Ecocapsule uses solar and wind energy to power itself, while also giving enough to charge for electric cars. The capsule home also utilises the power of locally-gathered rainwater and removes bacteria from it, purifying it for perfect human consumption. What’s not to love?

Based in Slovakia, the Ecocapsule looks and sounds terrific – for everyone who likes the idea of camping and yet can’t stand not sleeping in a proper bed for the night this is a dream come true. However, shipping might cost a lot depending where on the world you live – with a whopping $2400 on US shipping estimated alone. So, while it might not be for the casual camper, who’ll probably consider roughing it for one night, the Ecocapsule looks set to be the perfect way for hardcore campers, nature trail enthusiasts, and all-round world-exploring adventurers. Who says you can’t do both your rough camping and sleep cosy at night?

What kind of perks would you like to see added to the Ecocapsule – or what would you take inside yours to make that camping trip extra special or comfortable?

The post This Ecocapsule Will Allow You To Camp Everywhere appeared first on Lifehack.

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