
sexta-feira, junho 12, 2015

I’m leaving tumblr. After 5 years, 47,000 posts, 173,400...

I’m leaving tumblr. After 5 years, 47,000 posts, 173,400 Followers, 33 Radars and 1,5 years as an Editor in Illustrations and Artists on tumblr tags (where I am proud for helping lots of indie artists to promote their work), I’m saying goodbye. It will be indefinitely, although I will NOT deactivate my account. The main reason I’m leaving is that I don’t have time anymore to keep up my tumblr properly, as I like to keep it, another thing is that I have a 5 months years old baby girl and a job taking me all the time I could have to post here. I’m sad, after all the friends I made here, some of them are too awesome for me, because I admire them and I’ll love their blogs forever and I also thanks life for meeting awesome people as you, guys (specially the ones I follow). Anyway, I want to be in touch with all of you! You can contact me, if you like at, and I hope you also enjoyed my posts. Strating back then in May 2010, it was my way to see Art and Illustrations (although I can’t draw a single line!). You don’t know how much I learn about art, photography  and illustrations!! I’m happy for my “Today’s Classic” section series, a creation of mine where I wanted to show on tumblr the beauty of the most important artists, sculptures and painting of all time. I’ll try to see, if it is possible, to keep my other tumblog, active, but I can’t assure that, either. A million thanks to everyone of my folloers for being so loyal and for the “good vives” as we say here in Argentina. More than I deserve, coming from a guy that always posted was from his job’s computer. Wishing you all the best, I send you my kindest regards, See you around and thank you again! Fernando

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