
segunda-feira, junho 15, 2015

14 Things Only Coffee Drinkers Would Understand

Coffee Drinkers Understand

Coffee for some is an indispensable part of their everyday lives and it’s not just for the caffeine buzz. It’s about the experience from the roasting process and experimenting with different roast combinations to the actual taste and smell of the final product.

You might call us pretentious or find us to be insufferable but for those of us that can define a nightmare as having no coffee available, here is a list of things that only a coffee drinker would understand.

We Don’t Buy Pre-Ground Coffee

When I drink coffee, I grind my own beans

Real coffee lovers don’t purchase pre-ground coffee.


Coffee Confidential lists four reasons why you shouldn’t buy pre-ground coffee – contamination, oxygen, moisture and carbon dioxide depletion. You can read more about it on their site, but basically coffee beans have volatile flavor compounds and aromatics that dissipate once the bean becomes ground. This means that the longer the ground is allowed to sit, the more dull the flavor gets until it finally becomes stale and tastes like that sludge that’s been sitting in the coffee pot at work for way too long.

You Understand The Importance Of A Good Grinder

Coffee Grind Size for Brewing

It’s not enough to just grind beans right before making a cup of coffee. You understand the importance of both grind size and uniformity to ensure consistent and predictable extractions.

The Best Part Of Waking Up

Coffee Smell

… isn’t Folgers in your cup, but the smell of a fresh batch of coffee being made. Smells can trigger good feelings and feelings of wakefulness as well as signal the tastes to come.

You Know What This Is

Coffee Siphon System

You may know it as a vacpot, vacuum brewed coffee, siphon brewer, siphon vacuum coffee… whatever the case is though, you know what it is.

You Do Not Consider This Coffee

Different frappuccino's from Starbucks

I have nothing against Starbucks and their coffee, but don’t you just hate when you’re with someone and they tell you that they’re just dying for a cup of coffee and then order a frappuccino. While it very well may be the embodiment of delicious, we all know the truth… a frappuccino is not coffee. It’s a milkshake with some caffeine!

While We’re At It… You Also Don’t Consider Decaf To Be Coffee Either

Decaf Coffee is like orange free orange juice

Hoping to drop the caffeine addiction? Guess what, even decaffeinated coffee comes with at least a small dose of caffeine.

It’s also not healthy because of the toxic solvents that are used in the process to strip the caffeine.

Decaf shouldn’t be considered coffee nor should it exist.

We Understand Pulling A Perfect Shot Of Espresso Is An Art Form


The perfect espresso shot may be subject to personal taste but there are certain characteristics that a shot of espresso must have if it is to be considered perfect.

When It Comes To Espresso You Know It’s All About The Crema

Espresso Crema

That golden, frothy colored liquid that comes out during an espresso extraction is the crema and it’s a good indication as to the freshness of the bean, how fully it’s been extracted, and the evenness of the extraction. The thickness and its marbled effect is also what allows for latte art.

Latte Art Crema

There’s No ‘X’ In Espresso If You’re From The US

Sure, the Oxford English Dictionary lists expresso as an often-occurring variant, but if you’re from America, it’s incorrect.

There’s No Such Thing As Too Much For You

No Such Thing As Strong Coffee

Those of us that love coffee know that there’s no such thing as too strong of a cup of coffee, drinking too many cups or having too much caffeine flowing through our bodies.

You Don’t Know The Meaning Of Depression In The Face Of A Good Cup Of Coffee

Coffee Depression

Studies show that having a cup of coffee can reduce the risk of depression. Of course, there are also studies that show that drinking too much coffee can actually increase depression, but we don’t buy into that. The only time we get depressed, when it comes to coffee, is when we’re served a bad cup.

Milk And Sugar Are Optional For Us

Milk Sugar Coffee Optional

Milk is a necessity if you want a latte and you might take a touch of sugar to enhance a mediocre cup of coffee’s flavor, but you also know how to enjoy your coffee black so that you can truly enjoy its natural flavor profiles and sweetness on its own.

You Never Say No To Coffee

Never Say No To Coffee

You never say no to someone asking you to grab a cup of coffee. In fact, if a friend wants to get you to come out of hiding and hang out, all they need to do is suggest a coffee date. It can get to the point of actually coming close to a nuisance if you actually have things that need to be done and get multiple requests within the day to grab a cup… keyword almost.

Bad Coffee Is Better Than No Coffee

Even Bad Coffee Is Better Than No Coffee

Featured photo credit: Hipster couple drinking coffee in Stockholm old town. They’re sitting face to face. The man is wearing a blue sweater and the woman a striped shirt with black leather jacket. See-through shot. via

The post 14 Things Only Coffee Drinkers Would Understand appeared first on Lifehack.

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