
quinta-feira, junho 18, 2015

12 Signs You’ve Found Your Once In A Lifetime Friend

12 Signs You've Found Your Once In A Lifetime Friend

Have you found your once in a lifetime friend? Friends and best friends will come and go, but your once in a lifetime friend will be there forever, and they will change your life for the better.

You’re inseparable and you love each other – here are 12 signs with which you can confirm that you’ve found your once in a lifetime friend.

1. You Have No Filter With Each Other

You both know each other’s grossest, most embarrassing stories, so you can be 100% open with each other. You know what they have for tea last night, and they know about the time you wet yourself when you were five.

2. They Always Have Your Back

Seriously, always. They never upload unflattering pictures of you to Instagram, and they always defend you – even when you’re not there. If you’re having a down day, they will sympathetically listen while you vent, and they are always up for a night out when you’re in a good mood.

3. You Have A Song

Forget couples with their cheesy, romantic songs; you and your BFF have your own awesome upbeat song, and every time it comes on you both get up and dance until you’re sweating.

4. You Have The Exact Same Sense Of Humour

You laugh at the same TV shows and Youtube videos, and sometimes you catch yourself wondering why the two of you don’t have your own comedy show – you know it would definitely be hilarious.

5. You Don’t Need to Knock On Their Door

You and your lifetime friend have known each other for so long, it would actually be weird if you knocked on their door. You just walk right in and help yourself to some food from the fridge. You even have a spare key – you know, just in case you get to their house before they are home.

6. You Don’t Have To Make An Effort With Each Other

You have seen your best friend hungover in PJs more times than you’ve seen them in an expensive outfit on a night out. You don’t have to make an effort with each other anymore – so neither of you ever do.

7. You Both Miss Each Other If You Don’t Talk For A Few Days

Normally, you talk to your bestie every day, so it feels super weird whenever you don’t talk for a while. If your best friend goes travelling, you can guarantee that they will Skype you more than their family. After all, you NEED to know if they are eating well and making friends. You just want to make sure that they are okay – that’s normal, right?

8. You Share The Same Enemies

If someone has a problem with your bestie, you have a problem with them. How could anyone dislike your awesome friend?! After all, you know your friend has a great taste in people, so if they don’t like someone they must be pretty terrible.

9. They Are Totally Honest With You

If you’re worried your outfit looks bad, you always go to your once in a lifetime friend, because you know no-one else will be as honest with you. They are more than happy to tell you if you look bad, which you appreciate – honesty is key.

10. You Can Communicate Without Talking

You have known each other for so long that words are no longer necessary – you can have full blown conversations with each other just using facial expressions. This is particularly useful if there is a mutual enemy around.

11. They Always Have Time To Talk To You – Even At 2AM

This is the one person who you don’t feel bad about calling if you’re having a life crisis, even if it is the early hours of the morning. No matter what, they are always there for you with great advice and a shoulder to lean on.

Another reason you don’t feel bad about calling them at 2AM is because they have done it to you, too – multiple times.

12. You Know You Are Friends Forever

As soppy as it may sound, you know that they will still be your best friend, no matter what happens. You don’t worry about them moving away or getting married – you know you will still be making each other laugh when you both have grandchildren.

Can you think of any other signs that you have found your once in a lifetime friend? Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

The post 12 Signs You’ve Found Your Once In A Lifetime Friend appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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